Bylaw Changes

The existing by-laws do not fully represent the M.L.C.C.&R.C. as it now operates. This document proposes changes which will better represent current operations.

The following are in the form of motions (requiring seconder), and are proposed in order to replace the first 2 existing by-laws. For them to do so, they need approval at a general meeting of members, so these changes, which have been approved by the Board, will be presented at the annual general meeting in spring 2020.

— Existing BY-LAWS 1. & 2. —

    1. A voting member shall be any person of legal voting age (Province of British Columbia) in residence in the Mabel Lake Community for six months and whose annual dues of $1.00 are paid. Dues shall be paid for the Society's fiscal year, April 1st through March 31st. Old Age Pensioners shall not be required to pay dues.
    2. Voting members shall receive a copy of the Constitution free of charge, and shall have the right to attend all activities sponsored by the Society. There are no set obligations.

    3. Membership automatically ceases the day a member moves out of the Community.

    1. The annual general meeting shall be held in March at the call of the Chairman. This meeting will receive annual reports and will elect Society officers from the membership to fill vacancies as they exist.
    2. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman to deal with subjects of general community interest and where a general vote of the membership may be required.

    3. The Chairman shall call a special meeting within seven days upon receipt of a petition signed by fifty percent of the voting membership.

    4. General and Special meetings of the Society shall be announced in writing to all members in an edition of the Society's newsletter "Stump Rancher" giving one full week notice of the meeting.
    5. Three voting members attending a general or special meeting shall constitute a quorum.

    6. A member must be present at meetings to have his vote counted. Proxy votes will not be accepted.

    7. Regular meetings of the Society's executive shall be held monthly at a time and place to be set at the discretion of the Executive in order to carry out the regular business of the Society. Individual Society members may be invited to monthly executive meetings upon the executive receiving a request within a reasonable period of time in order to include the members' business within the monthly agenda, and providing the executive consider the matter to be of pressing general community interest.
    8. No member (except the mover, who may speak twice) shall speak twice on the same question except by permission of the chair.

    9. Members' requests for the use of the Mabel Lake Hall shall be presented to the co-ordinator with reasonable notice.

    10. The Executive or the general membership at a general meeting may grant or deny a request for private use of Mabel Lake Hall. A set fee for use of the community hall may be assessed. Private use shall be granted only upon receipt of a signed statement of financial responsibility upon such terms and conditions as shall be deemed necessary. Damages which occur from misuse of the hall may be assessed.

    11. Members may invite two guests to Society functions. They are responsible for the guests. Guests are required to sign a guest registry.

— PROPOSED BY-LAWS 1. & 2. —

—— in general ——

that all references, throughout these by-laws, implying or denoting gender of officers or members of the Society be changed to terms devoid of gender implication; in particular the term “Chairman” be replaced by “Chairperson”, “his” be replaced by “their”, and “he” be replaced by “they”.

—— 1. ——

that the words “within a reasonable period of time of the executive receiving a request” be added following “Voting members shall receive” in section 1. part B.

that the word “Voting” be added preceding “Membership automatically ceases” in section 1. part C.


Thus, Section 1. will be amended to become:

    1. A voting member shall be any person of legal voting age (Province of British Columbia) in residence in the Mabel Lake Community for six months and whose annual dues of $1.00 are paid. Dues shall be paid for the Society's fiscal year, April 1st through March 31st. Old Age Pensioners shall not be required to pay dues.
    2. Voting members shall receive, within a reasonable period of time of the executive receiving a request, a copy of the Constitution free of charge, and shall have the right to attend all activities sponsored by the Society. There are no set obligations.
    3. Voting membership automatically ceases the day a member moves out of the Community.


—— 2. ——

that the month “March” be replaced by “April” in section 2. part A.

that the words “fifty percent” be replaced by “five percent” in section 2. part C.

that the word “approximately monthly” be substituted for “monthly” in section 2. part G.

that the words “Individual Society members may be invited to monthly executive meetings upon the executive receiving a request within a reasonable period of time in order to include the members' business within the monthly agenda, and providing the executive consider the matter to be of pressing general community interest.” be replaced instead by “Society members may attend executive meetings as non-voting observers. Upon the executive receiving a request within a reasonable period of time, and providing the executive consider the matter to be of pressing general community interest, Society members’ business may be included within the executive meeting agenda.” in section 2. part G.

that section 2. part H be removed, and replaced instead by “Four members of the Executive attending an executive meeting shall constitute a quorum.”.

that the word “two” be removed from section 2. part K.

that the words “Guests are required to sign a guest registry.” be removed from section 2. part K.


Thus, Section 2. will be amended to become

    1. The annual general meeting shall be held in April at the call of the Chairperson. This meeting will receive annual reports and will elect Society officers from the membership to fill vacancies as they exist.
    2. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson to deal with subjects of general community interest and where a general vote of the membership may be required.
    3. The Chairperson shall call a special meeting within seven days upon receipt of a petition signed by five percent of the voting membership.
    4. General and Special meetings of the Society shall be announced in writing to all members in an edition of the Society's newsletter "Stump Rancher" giving one full week notice of the meeting.
    5. Three voting members attending a general or special meeting shall constitute a quorum.
    6. A member must be present at meetings to have their vote counted. Proxy votes will not be accepted.
    7. Regular meetings of the Society's executive shall be held approximately monthly at a time and place to be set at the discretion of the executive in order to carry out the regular business of the Society. Society members may attend executive meetings as non-voting observers. Upon the executive receiving a request within a reasonable period of time, and providing the executive consider the matter to be of pressing general community interest, Society members’ business may be included within the executive meeting agenda.
    8. Four members of the executive attending an executive meeting shall constitute a quorum.
    9. Members' requests for the use of the Mabel Lake Hall shall be presented to the coordinator with reasonable notice.
    10. The executive or the general membership at a general meeting may grant or deny a request for private use of Mabel Lake Hall. A set fee for use of the community hall may be assessed. Private use shall be granted only upon receipt of a signed statement of financial responsibility upon such terms and conditions as shall be deemed necessary. Damages which occur from misuse of the hall may be assessed.
    11. Members may invite guests to Society functions. They are responsible for the guests.